The Surprise Sunbather

This beautiful fox stopped by one sunny winter afternoon.

One winter day I saw something out of the corner of my eye...

It was the most beautiful fox, with his full winter coat and bushy tail, emerging from the trees to sit on our hill and enjoy the sunshine. Wow!

. . .

I couldn't get hold of my camera fast enough.

I started snapping pictures as fast as possible, right through the living room window. I even had to change the lens. Arrgh!

But there really was no need to hurry. This fox stayed and vogued for me for over 10 minutes! He seemed to be doing a little foxy yoga...stretching, relaxing, holding a pose, etc.

Even when our dog Emma came to investigate what I was doing, Foxy stayed, ignored the barking, and gave me so many source photos, I couldn't decide which ones to use.

. . .

'Foxy' is now featured on designer pillows and wall art, in four different designs, in my Fox Collection

I hope to see him again someday!

Original Photo

Even with his hind paw in the air, I had to use this image as one of my design sources.

Final Image

Here's my final version of Foxy voguing for me in the sunshine. 😊




The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.